Sit-up World Record – 1 minute, 2 minutes…

Sit-ups or abdominal curls are standard fitness tests to analyze core body strength. This test requires a participant to do as many sit-ups as possible in one or two minutes. To examine the body’s endurance level to a greater extent, the participant has to attempt sit-ups for one to 24 hours or longer.

Moreover, the technique is only sometimes standard for the records. There is a comparison between different forms as some documents are set using an “abdominal frame”. Mesmerizing sit-up world records are known all over the globe and set by numerous athletes. In this article, you will learn about all the sit-up records.

Let’s dive into it!

Sit-ups Records in One Minute: 

Sit-up tests are commonly conducted for one minute. The results are usually achieved between 30 and 60. From the data of October 2016, some listed online records include Mike Janko performing 47 sit-ups in 30 seconds and 87 in 60 seconds.

Another reference is to Mr Ramu K from Madurai, India performed 68 sit-ups in one minute recorded at the location of Army Camp, Srinagar, on March 27, 2018. Many records are for more prolonged periods achieved by people worldwide. There are no records for sit-ups in 2 minutes.

Maximum Sit-ups in 5 Minutes: 

A record of 305 sit-ups in five minutes is another achievement by a fighter named Josh Clark from Valhalla Combat Sports Center. This performance occurred on the Moon Plaza to break the previous official world record. The guy from Georgia made this earlier record in 2012. He made 268 sit-ups in five minutes.

On 11 April 2020, a guy from Fridley, Minnesota, set a new world record for sit-ups. He attempts for this record to gain funds and limelight to keep his gym open in the Corona pandemic that makes all the business conditions worse.

Most Sit-ups in 30 minutes: 

1,430 sit-ups in 30 minutes is another official world record. David Begiashvili from Georgia did this on 25 July 2011 at Zurab Zviadaurvi Judo School in Akhmeta and broke the previous record of Guy Schott of the USA. On 7 November 2009, he did 1,337 sit-ups in 30 minutes at Sonomy County Family in California to achieve this title.

1000 Sit-up Record: 

Another exceptional Sit-up world record is for 1,033 sit-ups in 23 minutes. Fitness trainer named Jack LaLanne set this benchmark and made his name all over the globe with an average of 44.9 sit-ups per minute.

Maximum Sit-ups in One Hour: 

For most sit-ups in one hour, many people qualified to set their records at different times. Numerous records were made and then beaten by another person. Some of those records are mentioned below:

  • On 20th December 2013, James Clark did a fantastic job by doing 2,601 sit-ups in 58 minutes and 43 seconds. The location for this attempt was 10 South 5th street, the Pourhouse downtown Mpls, Mn, from 6-7 pm.
  • Records in 2011 include the one attempted by Vladmir Jurick. This 60-year-old man did 2,238 sit-ups in Rundle Mall, South Australia. Thus, he broke the record set by Jim Clark on 1st April 2011.
  • Guy Schott’s one-hour record includes 2,477 sit-ups on the 7th of November in 2009. The location for this completion was Sonomy County Family YMCA, California, USA.
  • 2,201 sit-ups in one hour, with an average rate of 36.7 in one minute, was another official world record. Jim Clark attempted this at the Mall of America Bloomington ON 2 June 2006 and held the position worldwide. He beat the previous record of 1,448 by an Indian. He did this 1.448 sit-ups in the first 32 minutes, and for the rest, he consumed the other part of one hour.

Maximum Sit-ups Using Abdominal Frame: 

Freitas averaging four and a half thousand sit-ups every hour for the whole day is unbelievable. However, this is due to the use of an abdominal frame. The abdominal structure significantly increases the number of sit-ups on average.

The records for one hour with the help of an abdominal frame are awe-inspiring. One is for 8,555 by Ashrita, set in Paris on 24 March 2004. Another record was by Norwegian BÃ¥rd Botten for 12,000 sit-ups in one hour in April 2007.

Most Sit-ups in a Row in 24 hours: 

Several references to most Sit-ups in 24 hours marked worldwide have been found. The list of the records is as follows with the use of an abdominal frame.

  • Jim Clark made another record for most sit-ups in 24 hours. In 1989, he did 44,001 sit-ups with an average rate of 30.5 per minute.
  • An American, Bill Evans, attempted 103,000 sit-ups, averaging 71.5 per minute.
  • Another record was by Edmar Freitas on March 6, 2002. His average sit-up rate for a minute was 77, doing 111,000 sit-ups in 24 hours. He took a 5-minute break every four hours and had an energy bar.
  • On January 8-9, 2004, Skip Chase from the USA beat the previous record and was honored to enter the Guinness World record. He did 110 912 sit-ups with an average rate of 77 per minute.

Most People Doing Sit-ups Simultaneously: 

A person achieves a Guinness World record under the category of most people doing sit-ups simultaneously doing 263.

The employees from the Sysmex Complex were the participants in Kobe, Japan. Held on 16 October 2013, it was the attempt at the 45th-anniversary celebration of the company.

Rules for Sit-ups World Record: 

The following are the rule that needs to be followed to get in the sit-ups world records:

  1. The sit-up must be performed with the knees bent 90 degrees and hands on the back or beside the head. In the up position, the elbow should touch the thighs, and the body should reach the correct position. In the down place, the shoulders must touch the ground.
  2. Two referees must count the appropriate sit-ups, marking them on the score sheet.
  3. The person attempting the score records can take a rest break, but the clock must not stop during these rest intervals.
  4. One of the witnesses should be a certified trainer to verify the correctness of the sit-ups.


To conclude, there are numerous records for most sit-ups. Every year, another athlete breaks the previous one to achieve the record holder’s position.

However, there are specific rules for doing these sit-ups.

Certified trainers train an athlete before appearing in the challenge, as such trainers are also there to judge the ideal correctness of the sit-up position.

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James Moore
James Moore
James is co-founder of He works as a fitness trainer and nutrition specialist. His main mission is to inspire people to relentlessly pursue their sport goals. He believes staying in shape has an overall positive effect on body, mind, and spirit.

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