How Much Does a Curl Bar Weigh – (explained)

When you step into a gym, you’ll likely encounter various types of barbells, including the classic curl bar. The curl bar, also known as the biceps curl bar or preacher bar, is a specialized weightlifting bar designed to target specific muscle groups, primarily the biceps and forearms. Its distinct curved shape allows for a more natural grip during exercises, reducing strain and increasing comfort.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the world of curl bars, demystifying their different types, materials used, and how much does a curl bar weigh. We will explore standard curl bars, Olympic curl bars, and EZ curl bars, each with unique attributes that cater to different workout preferences.

how much does a curl bar weigh

What Is A Curl Bar?

Before we dive into the intricacies of curl bar weights, let’s understand the anatomy of a curl bar. A curl bar typically features a gentle inward curve in the center, allowing your hands to maintain a more neutral grip during curls and other exercises. This design promotes wrist comfort and reduces strain on the joints, making it an excellent choice for isolation movements.

How Much Does The Bar Weigh?

The weight of a standard bar used in weightlifting exercises like bench press, squats, and deadlifts typically weighs 45 pounds or 20 kilograms. However, it’s important to note that the weight of a bar can vary depending on its type and purpose.

Olympic bars used in competitions can be heavier, weighing around 55 pounds or 25 kilograms. Additionally, there are lighter bars available for those who may be starting out or have specific fitness goals. It’s always best to check the specifications of the bar you are using to know its exact weight.

How Much Does A EZ Curl Bar Weigh?

The weight of an EZ curl bar can vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer. However, the standard weight of an EZ curl bar used in most gyms is around 15 to 25 pounds (6.8 to 11.3 kilograms).

There are also lighter and heavier versions available, but the aforementioned weight range is the most common. If you have access to a specific brand or model, it’s always best to check the product description or ask the gym staff to get the exact weight of the EZ curl bar you are using.

How to Weigh Your Curl Bar

To determine the weight of your curl bar accurately, you can follow these steps:

  • Use a bathroom scale at home or ask permission to use a scale in a commercial gym.
  • Verify the scale’s calibration by weighing dumbbells first to ensure accurate measurements.
  • Ensure the curl bar is balanced on the scale without touching the ground at the ends.
  • Read the weight displayed on the scale to find the weight of your curl bar.

Curl Bar Weight With Plates

If you plan to use weight plates with your curl bar, you can calculate the total weight by following these steps:

  • Multiply the weight of the weight plates by two.
  • Add the result to the weight of your curl bar.

Olympic Curl Bars: These bars have a thicker 2-inch diameter and are designed to be used with Olympic weight plates. These bars are commonly found in commercial gyms and are more durable, capable of handling heavier loads.

Men’s Olympic curl bars weigh around 45 pounds and are designed for advanced lifters, while women’s Olympic curl bars weigh around 33 pounds and cater to the anatomical differences and strength levels of female athletes.

how much does a curl bar weigh

Factors Affecting Curl Bar Weight

Barbell Material

The type of material used to make the curl bar can greatly affect its weight. A barbell made of steel is typically heavier than one made of aluminum or plastic. Steel bars are more commonly used in professional gyms and weightlifting competitions, as they offer greater durability and can handle heavier weights.

Barbell Length

The length of the curl bar can also play a role in its weight. Standard curl bars are usually around 4 feet long, while Olympic curl bars can be up to 6 feet long. The longer the bar, the more weight it can hold. This is because a longer bar allows for more weight plates to be added to either end.

Weight Plates

The weight plates used on the curl bar directly affect the total weight that can be lifted. Weight plates come in various sizes and materials, with cast iron and rubber-coated plates being the most common. The weight of the plates will determine the overall weight of the bar.

Grip Diameter

The thickness of the grip on the curl bar can impact its weight. Standard curl bars typically have a grip diameter of around 1 inch, while Olympic curl bars have a thicker grip diameter of 2 inches. A thicker grip can add more weight to the bar, making it more challenging to lift.

Bar Design

The design of the curl bar can also affect its weight. Some curl bars are straight and simple, while others have zigzag or curved designs. These added features can add some extra weight to the bar.


Knurling refers to the texture or pattern on the grip of the curl bar. Bars with deep knurling usually have sharper edges, making it easier for lifters to maintain a secure grip. However, the knurling can add some weight to the bar.

Bar Finish

The finish of the curl bar can also impact its weight. Bars with a chrome or stainless steel finish are typically heavier than those with a bare steel or painted finish. This is because the additional coating adds weight to the bar.

When selecting a curl bar for your workouts, it’s important to consider these factors to ensure you choose the right weight for your fitness goals and abilities. Remember to always start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load as you build strength and technique.

Summing Up

The curl bar is a versatile and essential tool for targeted muscle training, and understanding the different types and weights is vital for optimizing your workouts. Knowing the weight of a curl bar ensures you make informed decisions, maintain safety, and achieve your fitness goals effectively.

As you venture into the world of curl bars, don’t be afraid to explore and experiment with different types and weights to find what works best for your fitness journey. Remember to prioritize proper form and technique to maximize the benefits of your weightlifting routine. Happy lifting!

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Robert Carter
Robert Carter
Robert is a passionate sports fan and writer who covers the latest news and events in the world of sports. He has been a regular contributor to, where he shares his insights and analysis on the latest developments in the world of sports.

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